“Here's my favourite pupil feedback received..."
"29 countries speak French fluently which means French isn't just about France but about being able to communicate and interact with a variety of cultures and people. For this reason I am now very confident with my choice of taking French for GSCE and very excited for it."
"I'm happy to say that Morgan - one of your 'stars of the show' has come to find me three times so far to ask for help with pronouncing words to do with cars and mechanics - and he's more motivated in class too!"
What surprised you most about the information discussed with Tim?
"How many job opportunities there are just because you know another language."
"That being a multi-language speaker can offer higher salaries."
"That GCSE languages can be helpful for lots of different careers that are not always related to a language."
"How barely any time can result into 500 words in any language you want."
"That some talented people who were more than worthy of the job didn't get it because they couldn't speak another language."